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 Now that sounds great, but nothing in life comes for free or without some work.


To benefit from SEO, you need to write about topics people are searching for in Google (which we covered in the previous section). But to fully benefit from it, you also need to ensure your site is optimized for search engines.


Here are some things you can do right now to use SEO to drive traffic to your website: 

29. Pay Attention to Your Website’s SEO Health

SEO is pretty simple. Most of the benefits from following best practices to make sure your website is healthy and has everything Google expects to see.


Getting these things set up can make a big difference on the amount of traffic to your site.


Here’s are the SEO fundamentals you need:


An SEO-friendly CMS like WordPress.

A responsive design and good mobile usability.

A valid SSL Certificate.

A fast and reliable web host.

Links from relevant sites.

Content that people actually want to read.

There can be more elements to maharaja sofa set online  SEO obviously, with website technical health being one (we’ll cover this later on), but this should lay the groundwork for you.


30. Build Backlinks to Your Website

Links from authority and relevant sites are like votes of confidence for your site.


A simple overview of how backlinks help your site's SEO

A simple overview of how backlinks help your site’s SEO (Image source:

The types of links to build will differ depending on your niche. Here are some useful link building resources:


9 EASY Link Building Strategies (That ANYONE Can Use) by Ahrefs

50 Local Link Building Tactics for ANY Budget by Loganix

60+ Link Building Techniques Checklist by Mangools

Check Out This Guide to Optimizing Links for SEO



31. Get Your Content in Featured Snippets

Since its inception, Google has been adding more information to the search results to enhance the experience for users.


One such feature is featured snippets:


Featured snippet example

Featured snippet example

Featured Snippets are content boxes that appear directly under the search box on Google. They are designed to provide users with a quick answer to their search query (without even having to click through to the actual website to get the answer).


Snippets can be a great way to send traffic to your site, especially if you already have some pre-existing ranking content.


Increasing CTR (click-through-rate) for ranking in the featured snippet is worth your time

Increasing CTR for ranking in the featured snippet is worth your time

We covered how to get featured snippets before, but if you need a quick rundown, here’s a quick summary of how to optimize for them:


Target question-keywords.

Be aware of the type of snippet (paragraph, list, table, etc).

Keep paragraphs and sentences short.

Answer the question directly.

Logically structure your content with subheadings.

Use tables to show that.

Include the question in the answer

Add a summary at the start or end of the content.

32. Use Analytics Data to Find Under-Performing Pages (& Vice Versa)

If you are familiar with Google Analytics open up the dashboard.


Got to Behaviour > Site Content > Landing Pages and then hit the Sessions column to order from low to high.


You’ll get something like this:


Finding underperforming pages in Google Analytics

Finding underperforming pages (to improve) in Google Analytics

Now you’ll be able to see pages that are getting the lowest amount of traffic.


From here, see if they are missing anything your top-performing pages have. Try to improve these underperforming pages so every page on your site is bringing in traffic. Another tool to gather more insightful data would be Google Search Console, specifically its Performance tab.


Of course, you can also do the opposite too:


Filter Analytics and Search Console 


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